Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Journey to 275 and a Better Me.

Last Wednesday morning I woke up with my pillow soaked with blood. This was the result of a spike in my blood pressure, something that hadn't happened to me ever before. I have been working out and lifting weights for years and although I'm a bit overweight I still thought I was in good shape. My wife, who is CNA convinced me that I should go to the doctor, but since I lost my job last year and along with it, my insurance, I was a little reluctant to. I was a little concerned,though, because along with the nosebleed I also had a slight headache.

My doctor informed me that my blood pressure was dangerously high and that if it didn't start to come down with the meds that they gave me that I would be on my way to the E.R. The meds did begin to take effect and I started to feel a little better.

Two days later I was to go back to the doctor and have my blood pressure checked again. It was still a little high, so they gave me another med order to help bring it down. I used to be a competitive powerlifter and most of my training sessions were all- out war against some big weights, but that's all changed now. My doctor says that I should back off and take it easy, not push it too hard. That was a hard pill to swallow. She asked me just how much I lifted, and I told her about one of my recent workouts where E.B., one of my training buddies pushed a 515 lb.reverse band bench press for 2 reps and she said there'll be no more of that.

She encouraged me to keep exercising but to be a little more restrained and to cut way back on the amount I lift, and to do more cardio. So here I am starting my quest to get to a weight where I am not putting so much strain on myself and to get in the best shape of my life. I think it will take a lot of discipline and some people to be accountable to so that's where anyone who reads this can help. I'll be posting from time to time letting you know how I'm doing. So keep me in your prayers because it's not going to be easy. I have a lot of changes to make and we as human beings don't like to be out of our comfort zones. But I'm kicking the side out of the box and going for it, and with GOD"S help I'll make it.

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